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Atak Amerykanów na GPW. Oby tak dalej

Atak Amerykanów na GPW. Oby tak dalej / 2009-07-21 07:34
Komentarze do wiadomości: Atak Amerykanów na GPW. Oby tak dalej.
yuio / 79.184.88.* / 2009-07-21 13:57
Poziomy dla W20: 2020->2043->2080
2080(W20) = 967(S&P)
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:54

Ex-freaking-scuse me?

Barofsky said that while the TARP program that Congress passed amounts to $700 billion, the total federal government support since 2007 for the economy and the financial sector could reach a far higher figure of $23.7 trillion. The government has committed significantly more money through a variety of other federal agencies and programs.


$23.7 trillion dollars?

Where was the Congressional appropriation for that?

This is blatantly unconstitutional folks. We're talking about nearly double the nation's GDP in debt commitments and more than 33 times the amount authorized by Congress.

Oh, and it gets worse:

Meanwhile, Barofsky's office has opened 35 criminal and civil investigations into issues including suspected accounting fraud, securities fraud, insider trading, mortgage servicer misconduct, mortgage fraud, public corruption, false statements and taxes.
b a r a k u d a / 2009-07-21 13:56 / Pogromca mitów giełdowych

No i znów ten Kenobi

No i to samo pie r dolenie...
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 14:19
Nie dla idiotów.
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:56
That's right, we have 35 criminal investigations connected to this nearly $24 trillion dollars of largesse too, and that's only what Mr. Barofsky knows about. Anyone care to gander about what's hidden from him? Oh wait - we got a problem there too:

"Treasury’s continued unwillingness to provide basic transparency despite the many recommendations of SIGTARP and Congress and the repeated demonstration that meaningful data from TARP recipients can be gathered and easily disseminated is unacceptable," said a memo prepared by Republicans on the oversight committee.

Hello Richard Nixon! Bailoutgate anyone? Obstruction?

Shall we continue?
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:52
July 20 (Bloomberg) -- Advanta Corp., the credit-card company that cut off almost 1 million small-business accounts after posting three quarterly losses, said the default rate more than doubled in June from May to 56.95 percent.

Excuse me? 57% delinquent credit cards among small business? You mean to tell me that nearly six out of ten small business accounts can't pay their bills? This is bullish? Small business provide the bulk of job and economic growth - how are they going to do that when 6 out of 10 can't pay their credit card bills?

Ignore the idiots, look at the trends and what CEOs are telling you: There is no recovery evident in the economy; at best expectations are that things are flattening out, but they're flattening out down THIRTY PERCENT from where they were a year ago and THIRTY TO FORTY PERCENT FROM THE TOP!
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:51
Next, this evening we got Texas Instruments (TXN):

"End demand is still low in relation to where it was six to 12 months ago. We need to be prepared for slow to no growth for a while," TI Chief Financial Officer Kevin March told Reuters in an interview.

But wait - I thought we were recovering? Slow to no growth for a while - at least the next 6-12 months?

Revenue fell 27 percent to $2.46 billion.
Mieczyslaw / 2009-07-21 13:50 / Uznany Gracz Giełdowy
2009-07-21 13:00:48 | 83.5.235.* | No i znów ten Kenobi.
Musi w końcu sprzedawać, żeby zrealizować zyski, albo i on straci, bo musi oddać

zyski to moze sobie zrelizowac przy 2500 , odda z wiekszym procentem , jemu sie nie spieszy
g ol d / 2009-07-21 13:53 / Plunąć z brzegu...
nikt nie wie kiedy marian zejdzie na ławkę rezerwowych ale dopóki nie zejdzie dopóty bedzie bezlitosny
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:48
A miało być tak dobrze?
The bad news trumpeted from the rafters as "green shoots" continues, beginning with Eaton Corporation (ETN):

The company beat Wall Street earnings expectations when one-time items are excluded, but it cut its full-year forecast for the third time.

Wall Street applauded the performance in a tough environment: Eaton shares rose $3.99, or 8.9 percent, to close at $48.94 Monday. Eaton has traded in a 52-week range of $30.02 to $75.72.

Eaton provides electrical components and systems for power quality, distribution and control. It also makes hydraulic, aerospace and vehicle parts and systems.

Their CEO said:

"As we survey our end markets, the year is shaping up to be considerably weaker than we had forecast in April," said Chairman and CEO Alexander Cutler.

"We now anticipate our overall end markets will decline by between 21 and 22 percent versus our earlier forecast of a decline between 15 and 16 percent. We see our U.S. markets declining by 25 percent, while our non-U.S. markets are expected to decline by 19 percent."

I thought the recession was over?!
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:50
Oh, and as for revenues?

Revenue fell 32 percent to $2.9 billion from $4.28 billion a year ago. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters were expecting revenue of $3.04 billion.

32%.... there's that 30% number again.

The market loved it, but what did they love, other than the incessant pumping on CNBC and analysts making calls for the economy that the company doesn't validate?
yuio / 79.184.88.* / 2009-07-21 13:52
Już dawno pokazałeś, że jesteś skończony ........... .
Marzyciel / 2009-07-21 13:38 / portfel / Weteran 07/08
Caterpillar EPS 60c vs. $1,14 (oczekiwano 22c)
gfdsa / 80.48.204.* / 2009-07-21 13:42
widać jak teraz pakuja w górę, psy szczekają karawana jedzie dalej
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:44
Psy żywią się padliną "lepszą od prognoz".
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:41
Planuje dodatkowe zwolnienia, zamknięcie kolejnych fabryk.
g ol d / 2009-07-21 13:45 / Plunąć z brzegu...
nie ma co w budownicwie zapaść...
ale za kilka lat powstanie most do niemiec (19km)-wtedy marian pozamiata też w tym sektorze
PS marian jest bezlitosny
Romi / 2009-07-21 13:48 / portfel / Koci Tata
Jaka zapasc produkcja masy w mojej firmie rok do roku +19%.
g ol d / 2009-07-21 13:50 / Plunąć z brzegu...
co produkujesz?
Romi / 2009-07-21 13:52 / portfel / Koci Tata
mase bitumiczno asfaltowa.
g ol d / 2009-07-21 13:57 / Plunąć z brzegu...
a widzisz....
nie jestem na miejscu ale cos czytałem że deweloperka goli juz masowo jelenia na "chłytach maketingowych" ...podobno bieda aż piszczy ale jednorodzinne jak zwykle sie trzymie... tak czytałem
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:38
BJ Services strata na akcję -0,11 $ (gorzej od prognoz o -0,11 $), przychody 787 mln $ (-40,8%).
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:35
Regions Financial strata na akcję -0,28 $, gorzej od prognoz o -0,06$.
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:40
Bank zwiększył odpisy na straty na kredytach do 491 mln $.
Marzyciel / 2009-07-21 13:33 / portfel / Weteran 07/08
ile najblizszy opor na S&P ?
TRTami / 2009-07-21 13:35
"gruby" twierdzi że tysiąć pińcet :)
a tak na poważnie to najlepiej to idź do wróżki.
TRTami / 2009-07-21 13:08
mialem juz nie pisac ale jeszcze tylko jedna rzecz o kontraktach,

gruby ma teraz L - chociaz juz mniej
i na dodatek ma duzo akcji.

Z tych papierow bedzie chcial odzyskac gotowke wiec sa dwa wyjscia:

albo gruby juz wie ze bedzie mega hossa i indeksy poleca nawet na 2700 pkt
albo juz zacznie sie zabawa i gruby bedzie wysprzedawal akcje i bral S-ki.

albo gruby zakmnie pozycje a akcje niechaj mu rosną :) wtedy baza przejdzie na minus.

jesli baza przejdzie na minus (pewnie juz niedlugo) to wcale nie bedzie oznaczac ze akcje jeszcze nie beda rosnac .....
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:30
Będą rosnąć do nieba. Po ktoś za wszelka cenę uwielbia przepłacać i kupować na szczycie po długim wzroście...
hech / 195.182.206.* / 2009-07-21 13:26
a kto to jest gruby i co to są S-ki i L-ki?
0000000 / 194.54.85.* / 2009-07-21 13:14
jest zupelnie inaczej
TRTami / 2009-07-21 13:11
stad chyba taki wniosek ze teraz bedziemy sie bujac w przedziale 2000 - 2050 pkt.
a za jakis tydzien znowu jazdy po bandzie, ale nie potrafie teraz okreslic w ktora strone
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 13:07
Moody's says Banks Fail to Make Adequate Loan-Loss Provisions.

Banks have failed to make adequate provision for the losses on loans and securities they face before the end of next year, Moody’s Investors Service said.

U.S. banks may incur about $470 billion of losses and writedowns by the end of 2010, which may cause the banks to be unprofitable in the period, the ratings company said in a report published today. “Large loan losses have yet to be recognized in the banking system,” Moody’s said. “We expect to see rising provisioning needs well into 2010.”
Marzyciel / 2009-07-21 13:07 / portfel / Weteran 07/08
EPS 83c (oczekiwano 77c). Spółka podtrzymała prognozę zysku na cały 2009 rok 2,84-3,09 USD na akcję.
No i znów ten Kenobi / 83.5.235.* / 2009-07-21 12:58
Schering Plough zysk na akcję 0,46 $, przychody -5,6%.
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