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Dolar najdroższy od pół roku

Dolar najdroższy od pół roku / 2014-07-30 19:28
Komentarze do wiadomości: Dolar najdroższy od pół roku.
WojtekTX / 216.171.249.* / 2014-07-30 19:28
People focus on day to day economic reports, and base their currency predictions on those. What they don't see in case of the dollar is a huge balance of payments shift caused by the energy revolution in US over the last 5 years.
In 2006 US had a net import of oil at 13 million barrels a day. Today US imports 5.5 million barrels a day. The difference of 7.5 million X $100 a barrel X 365 days a year = about $275 MLD
Add the huge decline in imports of natural gas from Canada, and you get over $300MLD a hear of improvement in trade balance a year into the foreseeable future (at least 20 years). The projections are for net imports to be essentially eliminated in about 5 years, which would result in additional $300MLD improvement.
These are the forces driving Euro lower, not the weekly or quarterly data.

In addition, the cheap energy rates in US are contributing to fast economic growth, and thus decline in budget deficits, both at the state and federal levels, which will increase credit worthiness of US bonds across the board.

Sorry for writing in English, since my Polish is not so fluent.
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