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GPW: Czy inwestorzy powtórzą dobry wynik z ostatniej sesji?

GPW: Czy inwestorzy powtórzą dobry wynik z ostatniej sesji?

canary wharf / 2014-01-09 15:44 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
sprawdzcie piki i kluczne na kompie jak macie to to to znaczy infekcja

However, according to Light Cyber, the Yahoo ad malware campaign actually began on 29 December, and included Bitcoin miners amongst the mix of threats being distributed through the attack. Bitcoin-mining malware typically aims to free-ride off a victim's computing resources to generate Bitcoins for cybercriminals' use.

"The attackers put special efforts to mine the bitcoin efficiently and used an optimized 64-bit Bitcoin mining software when the infected PC supported that," Light Cyber founder Giora Engel told ZDNet.

In a private advisory to its clients, the company outlines a number of indictors of infections.

According to it, communications with the folowing domains is a sign of definite infection:

The presense of the following system files is also a sign of positive infection:

%localappdata%\cygwin1.dll (See note 1)
%localappdata%\wuauclt.exe (See note 1)
%localappdata%\temp\????????.lnk (8 hex characters)
%localappdata%\temp\????????.exe (8 hex characters)

(1) filename is used by legitimate software but not in the listed path
canary wharf / 2014-01-09 15:35 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
wkoncu ludzie sie skapna i nikt juz nie dotknie elektronicznego BitSzita, ale Yahoo sobie zrobilo antyreklame, czy tam pracuja pojeqy ?
Nie Ma Cudów / 94.254.130.* / 2014-01-09 15:39
Co ma piernik do wiatraka? A w Yahoo ktoś z IT przytulił za tą akcję z 1000 Bitcoinów...
Komentarz wysłany ze strony mobilnej
canary wharf / 2014-01-09 15:44 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum

Nie Ma Cudów / 94.254.130.* / 2014-01-09 15:39
+ - 0 usuń
Co ma piernik do wiatraka? A w Yahoo ktoś z IT przytulił za tą akcję z 1000 Bitcoinów...

otoz to !!!

dokladnie nie ma cudow !!!!!
canary wharf / 2014-01-09 15:33 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
grubas na pkobp sie wqrwil i wywala poszly 2 pakiety pol mil akcji
canary wharf / 2014-01-09 15:32 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
jak dobrze miec firefoxa i filtrowac spam :))))
canary wharf / 2014-01-09 15:31 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
Yahoo malware enslaves PCs to Bitcoin mining
By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter
A pile of bitcoins Bitcoins represent rich pickings for criminals
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Adverts on Yahoo's homepage were infected with malware designed to mine the Bitcoin virtual currency, according to security experts.

Yahoo confirmed that for a four-day period in January, malware was served in ads on its homepage.

Experts estimate that as many as two million European users could have been hit.

Security firm Light Cyber said the malware was intended to create a huge network of Bitcoin mining machines.

"The malware writers put a lot of effort into making it as efficient as possible to utilise the computing power in the best way," Light Cyber's founder Giora Engel told the BBC.
Lucrative market

Bitcoin mining malware is designed to steal computing power to make it easier for criminals to accumulate the virtual currency with little effort on their part.

"Generating bitcoins is basically guessing numbers," said Amichai Shulman, chief technology office of security firm Imperva.

"The first one to guess the right number gets 25 bitcoins and if you have a large volume of computers guessing in a co-ordinated way then you have a more efficient way of making money," he added.

Other than a computer running slower, victims will be unaware that their machine is being used in what could become known as a "bitnet".

It is a variation on the traditional botnet, networks of malware-infected computers used to churn out spam or bombard websites with requests in order to knock them offline.

Some experts estimate that such networks could be generating as much as $100,000 (£60,000) each day.

Since bitcoins have risen in value - at its peak one bitcoin was worth $1,000 - making it a lucrative market for online criminals.

"Bitcoin mining malware is the new frontier as criminal gangs look for new ways to make money," said Mr Engel.
Easy target

Yahoo acknowledged the attack in a statement earlier this week.

"From December 31 to January 3 on our European sites, we served some advertisements that did not meet our editorial guidelines - specifically, they spread malware," the statement read.

It went on to say that users in America, Asia and Latin America weren't affected but did not specify how many European users were victims.

Fox IT, the Dutch cybersecurity firm which revealed the malware attack, estimates that there were around 27,000 infections every hour the malware was live on the site.

Over the period of the attack that could mean as many as two million machines were infected.

Such attacks may be hard to avoid, said Mr Shulman.

"For an ad platform it is virtually impossible to guarantee 100% malware free ads."

"There are many independent stakeholders involved in the process of web advertising, so from time to time any ad platform is bound to deliver malware."
canary wharf / 2014-01-09 15:27 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
podciagaja w20 pegiesmieciem i bankami bo kgh sie oqesralo
BTC to JEDYNE AKTYWO co reaguje PRAWIDŁOWO na bodźce / 5.173.87.* / 2014-01-09 15:23
BITCOIN dziś W DÓŁ; zareagował momentalnie na aferę z Yahoo który rozsiewał skażone reklamy zamieniające komputery użytkowników w koparki bitcoina...
Proszę Cię Bardzo / 5.173.87.* / 2014-01-09 15:31,27769,yahoo-rozsiewal-bitcoinowego-wirusa
synonim / 2014-01-09 15:21 / portfel / 10-sięciotysiącznik na forum
Bitcoin -1,20%

Nie ma siły odbić kolejny dzień
Widzę że MYŚLIMY o TYM SAMYM :) / 5.173.87.* / 2014-01-09 15:24

Nie ma siły odbić kolejny dzień

Nie to afera z Yahoo; patrz wyżej.
canary wharf / 2014-01-09 15:14 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
no to komu polecialy stopuy na kgh ? pszysnac sie bes picia :) hgb uuahhahaaaa taka zmiennosc to uwielbiam :)))
ttka / 46.204.161.* / 2014-01-09 15:03
ULA LA,KGHM przebił 114 w dół,teraz już pewne jest 90zł i to szybkim ruchem,200-55%=90 FIBO idealny,no to siema
kghm.. / 95.49.250.* / 2014-01-09 15:32
110 kolejne wsparcie na kghm a jakie będą wynik to żadna nowość prezes już wcześniej wspominał
Rysiul20 / 77.254.248.* / 2014-01-09 14:59
Jeszcze trochę i znowu OFE sprzedadzą KGHM Za cene dywidendy jak w 2008
JANSTELAGE 100% codziennie / 78.10.150.* / 2014-01-09 14:46
Mario DRaghi mówi, a tymczasem prezes KGHM powiedział, że zysk netto spółki w 2014 może być znacznie niższy od tego z 2013. KGHM traci ponad 1%
Każdemu WEDŁUG POTRZEB! :) / 5.173.87.* / 2014-01-09 14:58

KGHM -3,75%

Oj tam, oj tam; Etermit weźmie 2 zł dywidendy i też będzie Happy.
Bath in bedroom / 159.205.209.* / 2014-01-09 14:39
Marne perspektywy dla strefy euro widzi EBC.
Euro/dolar natychmiast zapikował.
Bath in the bedroom / 159.205.209.* / 2014-01-09 14:35
Rośnie liczba kontynuujących pobieranie zasiłku dla bezrobotnych w Stanach, co pokazuje, że pracy nie ma.

Continuing Jobless Claims 2,865K, oczek. 2,840K, poprz. 2,815K
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