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GPW: Indeks WIG20 znów walczy o pokonanie 2.400 punktów

GPW: Indeks WIG20 znów walczy o pokonanie 2.400 punktów

Kupuj straty od bankruta, bo rosną / 159.205.181.* / 2015-03-30 09:17
QE nikomu nigdy nie pomogło i nie pomoże.
Za to z pewnością dobije bankrutów.
Już nawet Bank of America tego nie ukrywa.

U.S. equity prices are setting record highs, real median household incomes are 9 percent lower than 1999 highs. The report from Bank of America Merrill Lynch plainly supports the conclusion that QE and the associated currency depreciation is not leading to higher global output. The cost of QE is greater than the income lost to savers and investors. The long-term consequence of the new monetary orthodoxy is likely to permanently impair living standards for generations to come while creating a false illusion of reviving prosperity."
Grexit, Brexit, za nimi reszta bankrutów / 159.205.181.* / 2015-03-30 09:03
Fitch obniżył rating Grecji.
Nigdy nie oddadzą długów.
Kon iec petrodolara, łupki, platformy i piaski zbankrutowane / 159.205.181.* / 2015-03-30 08:58
Krach cen ropy powoduje wzrost liczby spółek zagrożonych bankructwem w Stanach największy od 2 lat.

The number of companies with the worst below-investment grade debt ratings has jumped to a two-year high of 184 firms, with the oil price rout pushing a record 25 U.S. energy producers onto this month's list at Moody’s.
The oil-and-gas and oil services companies listed account for a record 13.6% of the total of stressed companies rated B3 - six notches into junk territory - with a negative outlook for future ratings changes or lower; historically, oil firms have averaged ~8% of the firms on the list.
During Q1, a dozen oil companies including Energy XXI, Midstates Petroleum and Halcon Resources, were added.
If oil firms’ liquidity issues do not get fixed and they keep getting downgraded, the industry likely will see more debt defaults, Moody’s analyst Julia Chursin says.
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