Obi-Wan Kenobi
/ 178.36.21.* / 2010-04-01 10:38
Mocna ekspozycja na straty banków w krajach południowej Europy spowodowała obniżenie przez MFW prognozy wzrostu Niemiec. Okazuje się jednak, że banki francuskie mają jeszcze większe zagrożenie...Na razie o tym cicho...Trwa prima aprilis...
PIIGS Claims On European Banks: $1.5 Trillion; France Most On Hook In PIIGS Implosion
According to the IMF, the total amount of foreign claims, in this case focusing on Southern Europe countries, better known as PIIGS, on European international banks is $1.54 trillion. And while many have claimed that Germany would stand to lose the most from an implosion in the European periphery, that is in fact not true true: with $781 billion, France has much more at stake than Germany, whose banks have "just" $522 billion in "Southern European" claims. And while the IMF cut German GDP forecasts in large part due to the country's exposure to Southern Europe, it appears that France is next on the chopping block.