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GPW: Tylko spokój pomoże nam przetrwać

GPW: Tylko spokój pomoże nam przetrwać / 2009-04-08 06:40
Komentarze do wiadomości: GPW: Tylko spokój pomoże nam przetrwać.
flugo / 2009-04-08 15:46 / portfel / Dziecko hossy
ciekawe czy amiko posiorbał pana Daniela ?
janlew / 2009-04-08 15:45 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
Coś janki anemicznie, nie ma czym ciągnąć w górę. Na razie zawiśli na wczoraj niewybronionym dnie z listopadowych krachów na 821 na SP.

Poprzekręcali się już całkiem na S-ki?

O której dziś ta decyzja w sprawie krótkiej sprzedaży w USA? Bo to pewnie paru krótkich kolesi jeszcze wyciśnie z rynku.
issuer / 2009-04-08 15:45 / Tysiącznik na forum
kupować pekao może być cudofix i +15% łuuuu
mam stójkę
Chichot historii / 83.5.64.* / 2009-04-08 15:43
Earnings season officially started yesterday with Alcoa, but it really kicks off next week. For the S&P 500, analysts are expecting earnings will decline 37 percent from the year-ago period. All 10 groups in the S&P 500 are expected to show a year-over-year decline in profits; that hasn’t happened in the 10 years Thomson Financial has been tracking this data.

In sum, fundamentals are terrible, and they haven’t improved enough to justify this rally. What’s more, the market is overbought.
vox / 2009-04-08 15:43 / Zaklinacz Deszczu
BĘDĄ MILIONERAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dylus / 2009-04-08 15:45 / portfel / Tysiącznik na forum
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
siemień / 87.96.91.* / 2009-04-08 15:45
wywaliłem to ścierwo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nie ma chęci to latania wyżej!!!! odkupie niżej KOPEXA
Krzych / 2009-04-08 15:41 / Płoteczka na forum
Cena miedzi na LME wzrosła do 4.339,50 za tonę
PAP - Biznes
8 Kwi 2009, 15:25
8.4.Londyn (PAP) - Cena miedzi w transakcjach trzymiesięcznych na Londyńskiej Giełdzie Metali wyniosła 4.339,50 wobec 4.335,25 USD/t podczas poprzedniej sesji.

złoty i ropa już odrabia straty , miedź rośnie
issuer / 2009-04-08 15:42 / Tysiącznik na forum
kupować kghm i millennium
Longterm / 2009-04-08 15:41 / Mostek Zwyciężymy!
Dzisiaj pełnia księżyca - wzmocni emocje
vox / 2009-04-08 15:43 / Zaklinacz Deszczu
Polska 2009=JAPONIA 1970!
vox / 2009-04-08 15:41 / Zaklinacz Deszczu
issuer / 2009-04-08 15:41 / Tysiącznik na forum
flu.go i vo,x to ta sama osoba
Chichot historii. / 83.5.64.* / 2009-04-08 15:40
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which includes the United States and other industrialized powers, estimated that the economies of its 30 member countries would shrink by an average of 4.3 percent this year. At the same time, the OECD predicted that global trade would shrink by more than 13 percent.

One final point: We are only one year into the current crisis. After the crash of 1929, the world economy continued to shrink for three successive years, and world trade is falling much faster now than in 1929-30.
Chichot historii / 83.5.64.* / 2009-04-08 15:39
You’ll notice that the number of seriously delinquent loans was accelerating through the fourth quarter. What’s more, the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index for January fell 19 percent compared to the same month a year ago, reflecting an acceleration from the 18.6 percent year-over-year decline reported for December.

And the problem is likely to get worse …

Some 700,000 homes across the country stand in what’s called a “shadow inventory.” These are houses that have been taken back by banks but not yet given to a real estate agent to sell.

Here’s another frightful factoid: U.S. home prices have never bottomed while unemployment is still rising. And as I showed you in reason #2 above, we haven’t seen the high tide in job losses yet.

Bottom line: We won’t know we’ve hit bottom in the housing market until after the fact. And it will take months, maybe years, for the housing market to work off its problems.
issuer / 2009-04-08 15:38 / Tysiącznik na forum
stójka pierwsza klasa
Chichot historii. / 83.5.64.* / 2009-04-08 15:38
Banking analyst Meredith Whitney — who called the bank bubble quite loudly (along with our own Martin and Mike) when many others ignored it — was forecasting that nervous bankers would eliminate at least $2 trillion of available credit on credit cards by the end of next year. That was six months ago. Now, she thinks she underestimated the cutback and has revised the number to $2.7 trillion (about half of available credit). The effect of those cutbacks on already anxious consumers is bound to be enormous.
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