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/ 178.36.148.* / 2011-11-13 11:27
Bez wzgledu na przepychanki spankowanych polityków i zastępowanie jednych innymi, co niczego nie zmienia, bo długi nie do spłacenia wszędzie stale i tak rosną, a gospodarki staczają się w otchłań coraz ostrzejszej recesji, rynek obligacji wie swoje i nie daje się na to nabrać już zredukował rating nie czekając na agencje, które od dawna są skompromitowane...
S&P itself said that it "would likely downgrade the credit ratings of France, Spain, Italy, Ireland and Portugal if the euro zone slips into another recession." Well as of yesterday, the EU itself warned the Eurozone may slump into "a deep and prolonged recession."The result: as of the past few days the EFSF no longer trades with an AAA implied rating. In face as can be seen on the chart below analyzing regression curves for various rating strata, the EFSF is now AA+ at best. Simply said, this means that the bond market has once again voted, and completely oblivious of the noise that is the puppet changes at the top in Italy and Greece, is already preparing for the next contingency casualty, which after France, is just one... at least in Europe.