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greenstar / 2009-08-16 21:36

Warto przypomniec, ,że w bessie zloto jest odwrotnie skorelowane do indeksu usd. Jezeli wersja, mowiąca o tym ,iż indeks usd minima ma już za sobą.....bądż oscyluje wokoł tych przebieg kursu złota w najbliższym terminie jest raczej znany.
i jeszcze mala niespodzianka dla tych, ktorzy boją się o szalejącą inflację w USA bądz nawet o grożbę hiperinflacji

"Is the Fed "printing money" or not?

I've been trying to find out if the 780 billion dollars of TARP money was actually printed or is it just a credit given by the Federal Reserve for IOU's, now part of their reserves? What I have found so far is that this 780 billion dollars is simply "credit money" created in Bernanke's laptop. Is this true

Fed's job has not been to print banknotes but to "foster the expansion of credit." It's credit that has been deflating (leading to a contracting economy), and it's credit that the Fed's has been trying to re-inflate -- for example, by lowering interest rates effectively to zero. Its "quantitative easing" -- which many erroneously call hyperinflationary -- trades new money for certain IOUs, but this action creates no net gain in the money credit total, and therefore creates no new inflation. Inflatonists argue that the new money can multiply through loans, but that is only if the public wants to borrow, and in a deflationary trend, it doesn't.
Japan discovered this problem and to this day has failed to invigorate borrowing. Eventually, when the Fed's efforts fail

it may succumb to printing banknotes, but we will most likely be at the bottom of deflation by that point.
sierota marycha / 2009-08-16 21:46 / Tysiącznik na forum,32,1796686,1796686,15,0,sierota__do_ekipy__sp.html
sierota marycha / 2009-08-16 21:48 / Tysiącznik na forum
kierunek $850, nastepnie okolice $700 a tam zobaczymy co dalej, zloto jest w fazie parabolicznego wzrostu, a obecnie na c
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