Forum TechnologieEnergia i ekologia

Katastrofa w Fukushimie rujnuje niemiecką gospodarkę

Katastrofa w Fukushimie rujnuje niemiecką gospodarkę

inżynier Maliniak / 83.26.143.* / 2013-03-11 07:19
Bzdury stulecia! Niemcy w ogóle nie odczuwają żadnych niedoborów energii elektrycznej.Nie są w ogóle zainteresowani jej importem z Polski.Mimo licznych ofert PGE.
paionk / 94.254.193.* / 2013-03-11 07:14
a o odpadach ani słowa.
Komentarz wysłany ze strony mobilnej
fvdv / 91.217.19.* / 2013-03-11 14:17
odpady zakopuje się 1000 metrow pod ziemia w nieczynnych kopalniach np w Szwecji polecam film na Discowery
Bohun83 / 2013-03-11 14:40 / Bywalec forum
Na całe szczęście Niemcy mają swoja nową kolonię, jaką jest Polska , gdzie można wykorzystać tanią siłę roboczą do produkcji różnego rodzaju towaru , a później eksportować gdzieś indziej...
Hu ha dobrze jak / 178.37.243.* / 2013-03-11 07:06
The total amounts of radioactively contaminated materials in forests in Fukushima, Japan

Shoji Hashimoto, Shin Ugawa, Kazuki Nanko & Koji Shichi The spatial distributions of forest and soil types are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. The total extent of forest in the area that we defined as heavily contaminated (≥ 134, 137Cs 1000 kBq m−2) was 428 km2, 66% of the area (646 km2), 4% of the forests in Fukushima prefecture, 0.17% of Japan's forests, and 0.11% of Japan's total area. The dominant forest types were deciduous broadleaf forests and evergreen needleleaf forests. The deciduous broadleaf forests were more distributed in the northern part of the region, and the evergreen needleleaf forests were more distributed in the southern part. There was an additional small area of deciduous needleleaf forests. Brown forest soils (Cambisols and Andosols in the classification of the Food and Agriculture Organization), the most widely distributed soil type in Japan, were distributed most widely in this area, and Black soil (Andosols) and Immature soil (Regosols, Arenosols, Fluvisols, and Leptosols) were also found. The Black soil was distributed in the northern part of the region, and Immature soils were found in the southern part.
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