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Producent elektroniki w Polsce - Prodel

Producent elektroniki w Polsce - Prodel

Wiktor30 / 213.156.109.* / 2019-10-19 11:21
Prodel to firma od lat zajmująca się produkcją oraz montażem elektroniki. Na koncie mnóstwo wykonanych rozwiązań elektronicznych dla branży: medycznej, automotive, sklepowej. Wykonujemy montaż smd/smt.
Marcin Jazownik / 5.173.251.* / 2020-08-27 23:22

Due to the necessity to realize the project ASAP, in agreement with our Client, we decided to separate the production and part of it (550 pcs of modules, assembled in SMT) entrust to PRODEL as an URGENT realization. We unnecessarily trusted numerous advertisements on the Internet and positive opinions about this company, that have been massively posted.
PRODEL declared a realization date of 2-4 business days - which seemed to be a very good offer. When ordering the production of devices to PRODEL, we didn't even think how big the PROBLEM would be with them... Today pass of 4 MONTH (!) and production has not yet been completed. We received the manufactured devices only after many requests and interventions. These devices were delivered to us in small batches and at very long intervals. The production quality was HORRIBLE!
More than 3/4 of devices received so far had significant production defects, especially visible under magnification (missing components or their incorrect rotation, scratches on the PCB, but the worst was the quality of the solder connections - cold joints or short circuits, insufficient reflow of solder, many deposits). Without time-consuming corrections, the devices manufactured by PRODEL were not usable! Moreover, the obtained devices were heavily soiled and had large amounts of solder spatter (including solder beads). It seems that there wasn't any inspection of the devices after production (e.g. visually or by AOI).
The explanations of the employees and the owner regarding errors and delays were ABSURDAL: consecutively... damage to the SMT machine, damage to the reflow oven, damage to the stencil printer, and finally - lack of employees with the appropriate competences to make post-production corrections(!). For almost a month, contact with this company has been practically impossible (written / letter / phone - they don't answer calls, don't answer e-mails and letters of reminder).

We and especially our Client are very lossy by PRODEL - both financially and in terms of image. To warn all potential customers of this company, I will also post this information on other websites. If PRODEL were to contradict what I'm writing, I suggest that it should not try to engage in Internet polemics, but use the simplest way of finding the truth, i.e. bring a lawsuit against me - I'm ready to be confronted with PRODEL.
Kamil00 / 85.221.156.* / 2020-08-17 09:24
Polecam, profesjonalna firma.
KamilR834 / 85.221.156.* / 2020-07-29 13:46
Jestem bardzo zadowolony ze współpracy. Profesjonalna firma. Najlepszy producent elektroniki.
Robert Kawalec / 185.124.185.* / 2019-12-31 12:35
Trudno polecić inną firmę niż Prodel do takich zadań. Polecam!
MaciekU / 85.221.156.* / 2020-06-12 12:11
Z czystym sercem mogę polecić tą firmę. Najwyższa jakość w stosunkowo niskiej cenie. Ich linia do montażu jest naprawdę godna polecenia.

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