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SIEROTA__do KLUBU__komnentarz z branzy

SIEROTA__do KLUBU__komnentarz z branzy

sierota marycha / 2009-06-18 14:49
"It is amazing how emotions are running high and low these days all across trader’s desks, and the ups and downs we see in stocks and equities are the result of an ever growing confusion as to what the direction is. The US government is trying hard to promote economic stability and to convince consumers to go and spend in order to revive the economy; however it is so clear that things are far from rosy in various economic sectors as the numbers although better, are not consistent. In order to talk about a true recovery, we need to see the employment sector making remarkable progress and by that it means that the unemployment rate is not in multi years highs like it is at present."

....paleta czarow juz zdaje sie na wyczerpaniu, wskazniki bezrobocia odrobine lepsze ale za sprawa wygasania ustawowego okresu pobierania zasilku a nie wzrostu zatrudnienia ale o tym nie mowi sie :)
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