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SIEROTA__FX Trading - Beware of Falling BRICS

SIEROTA__FX Trading - Beware of Falling BRICS

sierota marycha / 2009-07-06 14:53
"The BRIC countries which include Brazil, Russia, India, and China are talked about as if they are some monolithic grouping that will carry the world out of the great depression we seem to be now mired. But monolithic this group is not. And more importantly, their collective demand is not enough to do the trick even if they were a real block moving together.

China and Indian are not the best of friends, to say the least. And many analysts believe a border (shooting) skirmish at minimum may be in the offing soon, beside the fact these two are already vying for strategic control in Asia. Russia’s a one-trick energy pony; granted a very valuable pony it is, but if crude takes another breather it could spark major social unrest in the country and would definitely add to financial riskiness given Mr. Putin’s edicts for more bank lending in the midst of money running from the country already.

Brazil seems for real and is trying to hook its wagon more tightly to China, and move away from the Great Satan to the north. But, should China have an accident, even this relationship can fray (China’s exports continue to plunge and import demand is still on the wane so not sure how much longer they will keep buying Brazilian commodities anyway). Interesting too we noticed some international money was leaving Brazil last week too.

Add to this, the little “incident” China reported this morning (they have already chased a bunch of news agencies out so we have to wait for official reports) regarding violent clash in the northwestern region and you have the makings for some falling BRICs and the realization by the market of some important things:

1.BRICs are not a cohesive group
2.They never generated the demand expected even though they have gone straight up for the last four months
3.They are highly correlated with crude oil and other commodities
4.The dollar often moves in opposite direction to the BRICs"
greenstar / 2009-07-06 19:06 / Pogromca jeleni
to jest najzabawniesze
The instability of oil and gas prices is puzzling government officials and policy analysts, who fear it could jeopardize a global recovery

what recovery?......................hahahaha
greenstar / 2009-07-06 19:02 / Pogromca jeleni

A federal judge late on Sunday approved a plan by General

Motors to sell its best assets to a new, government-backedcompany, a crucial step for the automaker to restructure and
complete its trip through bankruptcy court.

With the approval of the plan, G.M. and the government are
seeking to close the sale by Monday or Tuesday, according to
people briefed on the matter.
greenstar / 2009-07-06 18:35 / Pogromca jeleni

"Speculation about a new reserve currency

metoda na głoda........
Stainbrueck - Niemiecki Minister Finasów powiedział, że wszakże usd przewodnia rolę
wśród walut - to przyszlość nalezy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,do Yuana i

bidnymaniek / 2009-07-06 15:11 / Tysiącznik na forum
pisałem rano ze paru skosnych urwało sie z fabryki .ale kule ich dogoniły
Maks_ / 2009-07-06 15:16 / Tysiącznik na forum

pisałem rano ze paru skosnych urwało sie z fabryki .ale kule ich dogoniły

Gdyby byli to zwykli skośnoocy, to by było pół biedy... ale ujgurzy to już co innego. Konflikt z muzułmanami jest na rękę USA - jeśli będzie przybierał na sile, to Chiny całkowicie oleją i pozostawią Iran samemu sobie...i zaczną masowo tłuc ujgurów, zamiast wspierać Iran w sytuacji ewentualnego konfliktu zbrojnego tzw. "cywilizacji zachodu" z Iranem

sierota marycha / 2009-07-06 15:14 / Tysiącznik na forum

pisałem rano ze paru skosnych urwało sie z fabryki .ale kule ich dogoniły

zolci zaczynaja pekac, zgodnie z wczesniejszymi przewidywaniami, nie wrozy to niczego dobrego
sierota marycha / 2009-07-06 18:27 / Tysiącznik na forum
"Speculation about a new reserve currency being discussed at the G8 meeting later this week is also cooling. China’s flip flopping threats about the dollar is more bark than bite, especially since they have been backtracking on their own comments on a daily basis. G8 leaders have no interest in talking down the dollar because now is not the right time to experiment with reserve currencies according to a G8 source."
krzychu krzysiek / 95.49.239.* / 2009-07-06 18:35
do mądrzejszych sierota czy widzisz jeszcze możliwośc rajdu euro na pól do 1,43 a nawet wyżej pozdrawiam
sierota marycha / 2009-07-06 18:52 / Tysiącznik na forum

do mądrzejszych sierota czy widzisz jeszcze możliwośc rajdu euro na pól do 1,43
a nawet wyżej

kierunek poludnie
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