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The World Is in Trouble - Norbert Walter z Deutsche Bank

The World Is in Trouble - Norbert Walter z Deutsche Bank

zielona_wrozka / 2009-08-14 12:00
“I’m deeply worried about the worries of those investors who have invested a lot, really a lot into the dollar” like the Chinese, Japanese, Arabs and Russians, he said.
“If they have second thoughts about the quality of this currency then the dollar is bound to weaken” which means higher long-term interest rates for a country where government debt is approaching 100 percent of gross domestic product, he said.
If that happens, “2010 could be a worrisome year for all of us,” he said.
sierota marycha / 2009-08-14 12:26 / Tysiącznik na forum

The World Is in Trouble - Norbert Walter z Deutsche Bank [0]
“I’m deeply worried about the worries of those investors who have invested a
lot, really a lot into the dollar” like the Chinese, Japanese, Arabs and Russians, he

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