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Todd Akin w bardzo kontrowersyjny sposób wypowiedział się na temat gwałtu

Todd Akin w bardzo kontrowersyjny sposób wypowiedział się na temat gwałtu / 213.241.90.* / 2012-08-20 19:44
Rape Statistics

Sexual assault…it's not about lust and desire, it's a violent crime of POWER, CONTROL and DOMINANCE

Every 45 seconds someone in the United States is sexually assaulted (1).
1 out of every 7 women currently in college has been raped (2), however, 9 out of 10 women raped on campus never tell anyone about the rape (3).
1 in 10 men is raped in his lifetime (4), 1 in 7 of those victims will have been assaulted before the age of 18.
More than 61.5% of rapes are never reported to law enforcement (5).
Approximately 28% of rape victims are raped by their husbands, 35% by an acquaintance, and 17% by a relative other than spouse (6).
74% of sexual assaults are perpetrated by assailants well known to the victim (7).
A female child victim is 7 times more likely to be re-victimized as an adult (8).
Nearly 6 out of 10 sexual assaults occur at the victim's home or the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor (9).
1 in 15 rape victims contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) as a result of being raped (10).
1 in 15 rape victims become pregnant as a result of being raped (11).
The United States has the world's highest rape rate of all countries that publish such data- 13 times higher than England and more than 20 times higher than Japan (12).
An American woman is 10 times more likely to be raped than to die in a car crash (13).

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