Forum Polityka, aktualnościKraj

Ukraińcy piloci i mafia włoska pomagają Kadafiemu w tłumieniu zamieszek

Ukraińcy piloci i mafia włoska pomagają Kadafiemu w tłumieniu zamieszek

zeenek / 78.31.155.* / 2011-02-24 23:20
Ukrainian pilots and Italian mafia help Gadhafi to attacks protesters in Libya
17:05 24.02.2011
Almaty. February 24. Kazakhstan Today - Ukrainian pilots and Italian mafia helped Gadhafi to attack protesters in Benghazi and Tripoli, Kazakhstan Today reports.

According to Stratfor, Ukrainian pilots are flying Libyan MiGs to fire on protesters in Tripoli, IndiaDaily reported.

The source claims the Italian mafia is also assisting the regime of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and that boats operated by Italians have attacked demonstrators in Benghazi and Tripoli.

The Ukrainian Defence Ministry has disproved the foreign media reports on Tuesday alleging that Ukrainian pilots take part in warplane attacks on protesters in Libya. "Not a single military pilot of the Ukrainian armed forces is staying in the territory of Libya," the ministry stressed, Itar-Tass informed.

Stratfor also reported on February 21, boats operated by Italians attacked demonstrators in Benghazi and Tripoli. The source's information also indicated that the Egyptian army prevented a convoy of trucks carrying aid to Libya from crossing the border.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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