
Komentarze użytkownika "greenstar"

Komentarze użytkownika: greenstar

Re: Maniek__Eur/Usd ___20.08

greenstar / 2009-08-20 17:21 / Pogromca jeleni

дает сильный

hahahahahahahaha fajny tekst:)))
see you later alligator
greenstar / 2009-08-20 17:25 / Pogromca jeleni

ja tam w szklanej kuli widze zarezerwowane bilety lotnicze one-way na rejs
katarskimi liniami lotniczymi


z dedykacja od green dla donka i jego ekipy:)))

Dick Diamond tryder z długoletnim stażem na rynku fx radzi:

greenstar / 2009-08-20 18:23 / Pogromca jeleni
Diamond spends two full days in the course showing you in detail how he picks his 80/20 trades – and then he trades them LIVE – right before your eyes.

As for Diamond's other rule – be defensive – it's the exact same skill that makes a good driver: being defensive on the road. Assume other drivers can’t see you, and your chances of staying out of trouble increase dramatically.

Here's what defensive trading means to Diamond (among other things):

* Trade small. If you trade futures (he trades e-mini, the “mini” version of the S&P 500’s futures), start by trading just one contract. Then gradually increase the size to what Diamond calls your core position – that’s the size of the trade that you don’t lose sleep over at night.
* Reduce your position size when you lose AND when you win. Cutting back when you’re losing is a no-brainer, but let me explain Diamond's approach to winning. On those days when he suddenly starts making 2-3 times more on each trade than he normally makes, Diamond reduces the size of his trades! He knows that you tend to be most vulnerable when you are doing well. Winner’s hubris has destroyed many success stories.
* Don’t worry about “leaving money on the table.” The easiest time to get out of the trade, teaches Diamond, is when the market is moving in your direction. Don’t wait for it to go against you. Get out early, say thank you – and come back for seconds!
* Forget the word “hope.” Hope is the antipode of discipline, says Diamond, and hope is what kills most traders. Stop hoping that a loss will turn into a profit, or that a small profit will turn into a bigger one. Take that profit. Take that loss. Don’t just sit there.

Some people say that speculating in the markets is just gambling. No, says Diamond. The difference between a trader and a gambler is control. When a gambler throws the dice, he gives up control over his future. A good trader never does.


Re: Dick Diamond tryder z długoletnim stażem na rynku fx radzi:

greenstar / 2009-08-20 18:30 / Pogromca jeleni
widzę , że zrobilam bład...oczywiście trader. mialo byc:))

Re: Dick Diamond tryder z długoletnim stażem na rynku fx radzi:

greenstar / 2009-08-20 20:24 / Pogromca jeleni
In the 1960s, market conditions were similar to the 1990s mania, Dick says, everything was going up in price. He used it to his advantage and “rode the wave,” as he puts it, between 1965 and 1968. That year, 1968, he made $900,000.

The next year, the bull market ended and Dick lost 70% of his capital.

That’s when he realized making a living as a professional trader means winning on both the long and short sides of the market. After all, bear markets are not "bad"; they're simply part of the natural market cycle. The reality is markets go up and down; you must be equally adept at finding opportunities no matter their direction.

Put simply, Dick says the trick to making money consistently as a professional trader is learning to successfully trade both sides of the trend. But doing so is easier said than done – that's why Dick's 40-year career is nothing short of legendary.

Re: Maniek__Eur/Usd ___20.08

greenstar / 2009-08-20 21:41 / Pogromca jeleni
In Europe the calendar was empty with the exception of Swiss Trade Balance which printed better than forecast at 2.35B vs. 1.79B eyed. The EUR/USD spent the night in directionless trade ranging between 1.4200-1.4250. The key event for the region will come tomorrow with the release of the August flash PMI readings. If that data continues to show material improvement, the recovery trade bulls may get the ammunition to rally the pair towards year highs at 1.4400. However, if the PMI readings register a slowdown in activity they will provide further evidence that the rebound of Q2 may have peaked and the pair could drift towards 1.4000 once again.

Re: Maniek__Eur/Usd ___20.08

greenstar / 2009-08-20 22:44 / Pogromca jeleni

Pozdrawiam i życzę owocnej nocy dla tych, co nie śpią :-)

a ja życzę owocnej nocy tym, ktorzy "Spią"............:)))

Re: Maniek___Eur/Usd__21.08

greenstar / 2009-08-21 08:34 / Pogromca jeleni
witaj Manius:))

Mysle, ze trzeba uważac z otwieraniem pozycji. ze wzgladu na kalendarium, juz od 08 58 zaczyna się podawanie indeksu PMI dla Francji.i tak po kolei aż do strefy euro......... trzeba uwazać

Re: Maniek___Eur/Usd__21.08

greenstar / 2009-08-21 09:01 / Pogromca jeleni
Maks - uważaj na cabla byl zjazd z poziomu 1.6516 do 1.6420 i odbija......mysle, ze trzeba czekac do wyklarowania się kierunku:)))

dobreg, owocnego w pipsy dnia......mnie nieublagalnie real wzywa:))

Re: SIEROTA__do ekipy_EURUSD

greenstar / 2009-08-21 09:36 / Pogromca jeleni

Dabor......ustaliłem ze trzeba zaopatrzyc sie :

a jak rozwiązemy problem internetu w przecież po co nam życ bez foreksu.......hahahahaha

to tyle.... acha..............moze jeszcze to.......ale ..tylko na dzis......:))

Re: SIEROTA__do ekipy_EURUSD

greenstar / 2009-08-21 09:47 / Pogromca jeleni

Green ......ja własnie zastanawiam sie nad rezygnacja z forex

będziesz tęsknić.....i szybciej wrócisz niż myslisz..........:))

Re: SIEROTA__do ekipy_EURUSD

greenstar / 2009-08-21 09:49 / Pogromca jeleni

i o to chodzi zapraszaja na jazde w gore to jedziemy ciekawe do ilu

i tym dowcipem się pozegnam:))

Re: Maniek___co dalej ???

greenstar / 2009-08-21 11:53 / Pogromca jeleni

a co na to francuziki.....? ze wszystkich gryp najciezsza jest grypa medialna...robi
piane z mozgu

mozliwe.....ale nie na długo.generalnie Francuski sa wyluzowane.moze być zysk, moze byc strara...otrząsają się z porazek szybko.......i i dą dalej.......c!est la vie

Re: Maniek___co dalej ???

greenstar / 2009-08-21 11:59 / Pogromca jeleni

francuzki... rechocza

to chyba dario coś pomylil:))

Re: Maniek___Eur/Usd__21.08

greenstar / 2009-08-21 12:33 / Pogromca jeleni
eur/usd.mysle ,ze to pulapka...bedzie jeszcze skok w górę..ja czekam........

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