
Komentarze użytkownika "lupita"

Komentarze użytkownika: lupita


lupita / 2020-01-30 18:54
I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was+256783573282
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight+256783573282
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

Good day to you Am. jjajja Lubowa a professional Traditional Healer Gifted with visions +27639233909
and powers to heal and help peaple with all problems Basing in lenasia south area, The
reason why am contacting you is because I had a vision about you with the help of my +256783573282
ancestral powers we found out that you have a very big challenge with alot of jealousy people and enemies around you who are doing a lot of witchcraft on you using evil traditional healers to destroy all your luck and everything you have worked for a very long time, you,re a very hard working person and you have achieved everything from your sweats but people cant see that they want to see you losing everything and suffering , be aware they have sent evil stuff into your life and it has started moving with you everywhere and in everything that you at the end its going to leave you with nothing, +256783573282
because these evil people are targeting to let you down and to make sure everything of yours is destroyed, you"re a kind person to evryone and some peaple are using that weakness to take advantages on you , you think you helping them but they are back biting you smilling around you but they dont mean it they are just putting mask faces and pretending to love you, you really need to challenging this out of your life and protect you rself from such from such evil people and to remove this destruction out of your life because its really affecting your luck and relationship and it will be a very big challenge this and eliminate it out of your life ,you really know these people who are doing wrong to you and they are very close to you some are family members who are jealousy of what you are ,your gifted from your ancestors waiting for you but you not aware of that and some of your enemies are there to brainwash your mind so that they steal that gift from your ancestors i will need you to organise a day and come to me for more detail and to see who are those enemies in the mirror then i will help you to overcome the situation. call me or watsupp +256783573282 Kind Regards jjajja lubowa


lupita / 2020-01-30 18:56
A LOVE SPELLS CASTER WHO CAN BRING BACK A LOST LOVER, AN EX- LOVER, MAGIC SPELLS CASTER , A LOST LOVE SPELLS CASTER TO BRING BACK LOST LOVER, EX- LOVER, EX-GIRLFRIEND, GIRLFRIEND, EX-BOYFRIEND, BOYFRIEND, EX-WIFE, WIFE, EX-HUSBAND, HUSBAND IN 24 HOURS, RETURN REUNITE EX LOVER LOST LOVER IN 24 HOURS. WEB: , Are you looking for a good, authentic, genuine, best real working powerful love spells caster, love specialist, voodoo spells caster, a witch doctor, a native healer, a spiritual healer, a traditional doctor, black magician? You need a spell caster? Looking for a voodoo Wiccan love spells caster? You want/ need your lost lover back? You need to reunite you’re lost ex-lover? You want to return you’re lost ex-lover? You want to reunite with your lost ex-lover? I am a love spells caster / a spell caster to bring back lost lover, return reunite ex-boyfriend girlfriend wife husband. LOVE SPELL CASTER IN California Sacramento Los Angeles Colorado Denver Connecticut Hartford Bridgeport Delaware Dover Wilmington Florida Tallahassee Jacksonville Georgia Atlanta Hawaii Honolulu Idaho Boise Illinois Springfield Chicago Indiana Indianapolis Iowa Des Moines Kansas Topeka Wichita Kentucky Frankfort Louisville Louisiana Baton Rouge New Orleans Maine Augusta Portland Maryland Annapolis Baltimore Alabama Montgomery Birmingham Alaska Juneau Anchorage Arizona Phoenix Arkansas Little Rock Massachusetts Boston Michigan Lansing Detroit Minnesota St. Paul Minneapolis Mississippi Jackson Missouri Jefferson City Kansas City Montana Helena Billings Nebraska Lincoln Omaha Nevada Carson City Las Vegas New Hampshire Concord Manchester New Jersey Trenton Newark New Mexico Santa Fe Albuquerque New York Albany New York City North Carolina Raleigh Charlotte North Dakota Bismarck Fargo Ohio Columbus Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oregon Salem Portland Pennsylvania Harrisburg Philadelphia Rhode Island Providence South Carolina Columbia South Dakota Pierre Sioux Falls Tennessee Nashville Memphis Texas Austin Houston Utah Salt Lake City Vermont Montpelier Burlington Virginia Richmond Virginia Beach Washington Olympia +256783573282Seattle West Virginia Charleston Wisconsin Madison Milwaukee Wyoming

HOW TO JOIN ILLUMINATI SECRET SOCIETY FOR INSTANT MONEY + 256783573282 USA UK CANADA KUWAIT BOTSWANA Many today are seeking to join a secret society, one that will give them back their hope and help them to achieve all the things they have wanted in li

lupita / 2020-04-06 09:32

Many today are seeking to join a secret society, one that will give them back their hope and help them to achieve all the things they have wanted in life.


They realize that they have lost their dreams and their ambitions. They have settled for a life of mediocrity.

Sadly, many are disappointed, for real secret societies are rare, hard to find and even more difficult to join. The more well known have, over time, lost their own secrets and present merely a facade of mystical mumbo-jumbo without possessing any real substance.
+ 256783573282
There are no accidents and it is no coincidence that you have been led to The Ebutalium Brotherhood. The Brotherhood reaches out to help you and to offer the hand of friendship and hope.

The Ebutalium Brotherhood knows that everyone has great potential but often they have lost their self-esteem and their desire for a better life.

All of us know that we can be better than we are. We are not living up to our potential. Yet we have this fear to take chances, to venture into unfamiliar enterprises and territories.+ 256783573282

Membership in The Ebutalium Brotherhood has given many the courage, the confidence, the knowledge and the power they needed to change their life for the better.
+ 256783573282
Becoming a Member of the Brotherhood can give your life a new meaning and direction, and show you how to be happier and more fulfilled.

The Ebutalium Brotherhood offers simple solutions, a helping hand, and answers. It teaches the secret techniques and methods to become anything you wish to be and to attain all the riches of life.

Every Member of The Ebutalium Brotherhood is given the knowledge and the power to achieve all the success and riches of life that they have dreamed about.

We invite anyone who wishes to forge the spirit of friendship in a true brotherhood of power to join us, to unite our power to your own.
+ 256783573282
Join us and share in the Brotherhood's closely-guarded secrets and circles of power.

Together we can achieve great things that we could not achieve alone. Joining The Ebutalium Brotherhood will start you on the path to a new life filled with money, friends, health and the fulfillment of all your dreams.

Beginning today, you can change your life and your fortune. Learn how you can have, do and be anything you want in life.

For centuries past, the knowledge and power contained within that which is called the Secrets of the Ages has been kept hidden from the common man and reserved for a wealthy and powerful elite.+ 256783573282

Membership in The Ebutalium Brotherhood, however, is not restricted to members of the rich elite - anyone with a brave heart and a daring spirit who has a strong desire to change their lives and live their dreams is invited to join us.

As a Member, you will be given the guarded secrets behind those few who have acquired great riches and power throughout the centuries

Great truths and hidden secrets are dangerous to the many but keys to personal power for those few who dare to seek them out.

We will share with you the knowledge of how to control life for your own happiness and benefit. Privileged secrets that one can only become a part of through one’s own discovery.+ 256783573282

The Ebutalium Brotherhood has the keys that will unlock your secret potential and awaken hidden powers which already lie dormant within you.

In your mind you have talents and abilities which if developed can make you a magnet for love, riches, friends and fortune.

Joining The Ebutalium Brotherhood will give you a life like you have never known before, filled with all the rich rewards of success and personal power

The Ebutalium Brotherhood is the only organization of its kind in the world today, a real secret society for real people, and the only one that delivers unsurpassed results for both self-realization and fulfillment of body, mind, and spirit

The Ebutalium occult was founded in the grand tradition of the great collegiate secret societies like the Brothers in Unity, Skull & Bones and the Mystical Seven, as well as the time-honored fraternities of the Freemasons, Odd Fellows and the knightly brotherhoods.
+ 256783573282
While membership in secret societies like Skull & Bones is reserved for the elite who have been born into wealth and power, the Ebutalium Brotherhood is for the common man.

And unlike groups like the Masons, which have evolved into public charitable institutions or simply social clubs, the objective of the Ebutalium is to continue the venerable tradition of uniting men together in a private society of mutual aid.
+ 256783573282The Brotherhood is a legal, non-political, non-religious society whose sole interest is building a united brotherhood of members who help each other. It has nothing to do with fanciful nonsens

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