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AVIASG: strona spółki
4.09.2018, 19:03

ASG Avia Solutions Group AB received the statement on the implementation of tender offer, aimed at delisting the shares of the company from trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the notification on the transaction of the person closely associated with the person discharging managerial responsibilities and the notification on the acquisition of the voting rights

On 4 September 2018 Avia Solutions Group AB (the Company) received a statement from its shareholders on the implementation of the tender offer, aimed at delisting the shares of the Company from trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the notification on the transaction of the person closely associated with the person discharging managerial responsibilities as well as the notification on the acquisition of the voting rights (attached).
Following implementation of the above tender offer, the Company gained the right to apply to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and Warsaw Stock Exchange regarding delisting of its shares from trading on this regulated market. The Company will inform separately, when the respective requests will be filed to these institutions. 1. Annex No 1 – statement on the implementation of the tender offer; 2. Annex No 2 – the notification on the transaction of the person closely associated with the person discharging managerial responsibilities; 3. Annex No 3 - the notification on the acquisition of the voting rights. Giedrius Karsokas Corporate Affairs Director tel. +37063100959


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