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KRKA: strona spółki
11.04.2024, 8:16

KRK Audited consolidated and unconsolidated annual report of company Krka, d. d., Novo mesto for the year 2023

Based on the provisions of the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, d. d., Ljubljana and Article 134 of the Market in Financial Instruments Act, Krka, d. d., Novo mesto publishes the Audited consolidated and unconsolidated annual report for the year 2023.
The report is in the official ESEF format and represents the fulfilment of the obligation to disclose the annual report in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 134 of ZTFI-1 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815. The company Krka, d. d., Novo mesto has additionally prepared an unofficial version of the Audited consolidated and unconsolidated annual report for the year 2022 in PDF format that is published on the Company’s website under section Financial reports. The report will be published on the Company's website ( from 11 April 2023 onwards, for a period of at least 10 years.


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