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PHOTON: strona spółki
14.06.2024, 17:49

PEN Management changes in the New Energy Division at Photon Energy

The Board of Directors announces that Borys Tomala, the Director of the New Energy Division, and Krzysztof Drożyński, the Director of Advanced Technologies, both co-founders of Lerta S.A., have decided to leave Photon Energy Group. As of 14 June 2024, the day-to-day management duties of the New Energy Division will be assumed by Georg Hotar, the CEO of Photon Energy Group.
The departure of both founders has taken place after 18 months upon the completion of the acqusition of Lerta Group. The management of Photon Energy believes that this time has been sufficient to integrate Lerta’s business into the Photon Energy Group. The New Energy Division is covering capacity market services, energy offtake and trading as well as software development and Virtual Power Plant technology. The New Energy Division has successfully developed into the third largest player in the Polish demand-side-response market, growing its contracted DSR capacity to 389 MW in 2024, and has become a core pillar of the Group’s business model. New Energy’s software platform will form the basis for us to become a leading VPP provider in the CEE region. The management of Photon Energy Group is fully commited to continue its vision to expand capacity market, energy off-take and anciliary services to make the integrated business model of Photon Energy Group a success.

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