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Instytucje wsparcia eksportu, Izba Handlowa w Los Angeles

Izba Handlowa w Los Angeles

Izba Handlowa w Los Angeles, (Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce), 350 South Bixel Street, LOS ANGELES, CA 90017,

(001213) 5807500


(001213) 5807511

Instytucje wspierające eksport:
  • (Trade Point Los Angeles)(Trade Point Los Angeles), 2600 Industry Way, LYNWOOD, CA 90262,
  • Amerykańskie Zrzeszenie Eksportu i ImportuAmerykańskie Zrzeszenie Eksportu i Importu, (American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI), 1050 17th Street, N.W., WASHINGTON DC 20036,
  • Departament HandluDepartament Handlu, (U.S. Department of Commerce), 1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W., WASHINGTON, DC 20230,
  • Departament RolnictwaDepartament Rolnictwa, (U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign), Foreign Agricultural Service, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Whitten Building, Room 220-A, WASHINGTON, DC 20250- 1002,
  • Izba Handlowa w ChicagoIzba Handlowa w Chicago, (Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce), 200 E. Randolph Streer, Suite 2200, CHICAGO, IL 60601-6436,
  • Izba Handlowa w FiladelfiiIzba Handlowa w Filadelfii, (Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce), 200 South Board Street, Suite 700, PHILADELFIA, PA19102,
  • Izba Handlowa w San FranciscoIzba Handlowa w San Francisco, (San Francisco Chamber of Commerce), 235 Montgomery Street, 12th Floor, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104,
  • Trade Information CentreTrade Information Centre, (U.S. Development of Commerce), 14th & Constitution Avenue, NW, RRB- TIC, WASHINGTON, DC 20230,
Instytucje wspierające eksport wg państw: